We explore new ways for the private sector to lead
in overcoming some of society’s biggest challenges


We research and explore the essential
values, principles and strategies
of responsible business


We collaborate with senior leaders
and the business community
to drive systemic change

Who We Are

High Meadows Institute is a Boston-based think tank and policy institute focused on the role of business leadership in creating a sustainable society.

Who we are

We are a Boston-based policy institute focused on strengthening the role of business leadership in creating a sustainable society.

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Our work

We conduct research, lead programs and develop frameworks to increase private sector contribution in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.

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Three key challenges in today’s global economic system underpin our work. Find out more about these challenges and how we are working to address them.

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Financial Times Moral Money Forum

In partnership with High Meadows Institute

Why nature’s future underpins the future of business

The final report of 2023 explores the growing risks around nature and biodiversity and how some businesses are tackling the complexities.

Read the Report
Can private equity meet public responsibilities?

The third report of 2023 digs into the work that private equity firms are doing to equip themselves for the ESG era, and the lively debate over their place in it.

Read the Report
Can carbon markets accelerate progress towards net zero?

The second report of 2023 explores the innovations spurring the growth of carbon markets and cautions that the path to net zero remains far from clear.

Read the Report
So you think you know your supply chain?

The first report of 2023 explores the new regulations that are working to combat supply chain abuses and the important role that stakeholders have to play.

Read the Report

Our Most Recent Projects and Resources

Collaborative Governance in Banking

The Collaborative Governance in Banking (CGIB) project brought together financial institution leaders to engage on the role and expectations of global banks and how boards and management teams can respond more effectively.

The Future of Capital Markets Project

The Future of Capital Markets Project commissions research and leads initiatives working on the challenge of developing principles and practices to support a sustainable capital market system.

Beyond ESG: The Role for Business in Collaborative Governance

Beyond ESG brings together corporate leaders and partners to explore the role for the private sector in 21st century governance.

Corporate Responsibility Research Project

The Corporate Responsibility Research Project is a three-year program designed to help chart the path forward for corporate responsibility and leadership in 21st century society.

Our Most Recent Publications

Responding to Societal Challenges: A Framework for Bank Boards and Their Directors
Business Leadership in Public-Private Partnerships for Public Benefit
Financing a Low-Carbon Economy: An Investor's Guide to Leveraging Transition and Net-Zero Financing Strategies
Sustainability in Capital Markets: ESG Integration and Impact

Our Most Recent News and Briefings


Political corporate social responsibility creates new challenges for bank boards

Chris Pinney introduces our newest report, "Responding to societal challenges: A framework for bank boards and their directors," and highlights changing expectations for boards and the need for a new mindset.

Press Release

Banks and their boards need a more strategic approach to responding to societal issues

Global banks today face increasing pressure from stakeholders to address a wide range of issues. Our latest report sets out a framework to equip boards for a more strategic approach to their oversight of these challenges.


System change investing – A new approach to ESG

ESG strategies are flawed because they ask companies to voluntarily stop causing harm, while operating within systems that reward harmful behavior. Allison Kostka discusses how taking a systems-level approach to investing can drive broader positive systemic change.


Should AI be an ESG priority?

The current rapid and unregulated growth of AI has given rise to increased concern over potential ethical issues. High Meadows Institute President & CEO Chris Pinney discusses the potential impact of AI on ESG and the need for responsible oversight.


Publications from Our Fellows

Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory: Investing That Matters

Jon Lukomnik and James P. Hawley offer a bold critique of Modern Portfolio Theory and propose a new imperative to improve finance’s ability to fulfill its twin main purposes: providing adequate returns to individuals and directing capital to where it is needed in the economy.

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21st Century Investing: Redirecting Financial Strategies to Drive Systems Change 

William Burckart and Steve Lydenberg explore how investment has evolved since the 20th century and how institutions and individuals can go beyond conventional and sustainable investing to address complex problems such as income inequality and climate change on a deep, systemic level.

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Featured Podcast

President & CEO Chris Pinney joins the Outside In podcast with Jon Lukomnik to discuss the changing role of business in society.

While most of us accept our daily interactions with companies like Google and JPMorgan Chase, Chris thinks about the fact that these firms and many others have more impact on our day to day lives than government. He then analyzes the implications both for those businesses and for society.

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