The Business Leadership in Society Resource and Data Center was a comprehensive platform to track and assess the impact of industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives working on promoting and supporting business leadership and responsibility in society. The goal of this platform was to explore perspectives and insights into the current state of play, trends and best practices in the evolution of business leadership and responsibility initiatives to assess their relative reach and impact.

The Business Leadership in Society Database is no longer active, but we have left the resources and research archived on this page.

Business Leadership in Society Resources

Read the Report:

The Role of Industry Associations and Civil Partnerships in Corporate Responsibility: Preliminary Findings (2020)

Building on research from the Business Leadership in Society Database, this paper examines the role and impact of industry associations and partnerships in creating a sustainable society, exploring trends, best practices, factors driving success and challenges through analysis and case studies.

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Database Analysis:

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

A review of how businesses, governments and initiatives have incorporated and implemented the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework

Sustainability initiative involvement and lobbying activities in Oil & Gas

How does the involvement of major oil and gas companies in sustainability-focused initiatives contrast with their links to ‘traditional’ industry associations that lobby against sustainability objectives?

Diversity and Inclusion – The role of industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives

How are initiatives with a purpose to improve issues related to Employee Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion driving change and how can they create even more positive impact?

How are initiatives responding to COVID-19?

With companies’ health & safety and labor practices under scrutiny amidst the pandemic, how are initiatives responding to COVID-19 and what resources and guidance do they offer?


Business Leadership in Society Database

The Business Leadership in Society Database, launched in 2020, profiled leading industry and civil initiatives working to set standards for responsible business and address Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. The database was designed to provide investors, business leaders and academics with easy access to information on initiatives relevant to their industry or interests. By increasing the access to these initiatives, High Meadows Institute and its partners sought to advance the work undertaken by each initiative individually and collectively.

The database contained over 200 initiatives, operating at both a country level and globally, and was based on publicly available information. It included two types of initiatives: Industry Associations and Partnerships.

Industry Associations encompass coalitions where the industry leaders themselves have taken collective action within the industry or with other stakeholders to set voluntary standards around ESG issues.

Partnerships are collaborations that bring together a variety of stakeholders to work on sustainability issues, including but not limited to governments, civil society, NGOs, academia and business.

Together with basic background information on each initiative, we provided a summary assessment of key elements based on a 9-point assessment framework. The database could be searched by initiative or company and highlighted the top initiatives across all sectors.

The database is no longer maintained or updated, but we have archived the data here.

The information contained in the BLIS Database is for general information purposes only. Certain information contained in the BLIS Database has been obtained from third party sources. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability and suitability of the information. We will systematically engage the initiatives contained in the database to verify the information we have collected. Any reliance a user might place on such information is therefore strictly at the user’s own risk. The content of the site constitutes a fair use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. We are not liable for any damages arising from the use of or inability to use the BLIS Database or any content in it. Through the BLIS Database, you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of the BLIS Database. The BLIS Database has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. The content of the BLIS Database does not constitute any professional advice. The reproduction, redistribution, disclosure or any other form of copying or transmission of the information contained in the BLIS Database, in whole or in part, without High Meadows Institute’s prior written consent, is strictly prohibited.